8th house : Les Piloux

Constellations in collaboration with Asbl Les Piloux / Fundraising 2018-2019

Les Piloux is an inclusive nursery project with about twenty places, almost half of which will be reserved for children with a mental disability (with or without associated disabilities, sensory disorders, etc.). This  combination  will be the basis of its strength and will avoid parents of these children being  isolated, which sadly enough happens far too frequently.

The project is supported by the Office of Birth and Childhood (ONE - https://www.one.be/public) , Cap 48 https://www.cap48.be/, the ROGER DE SPOELBERCH  Foundation ( https://www.fondation-roger-de-spoelberch.ch/ ) the Lokumo Fund (managed by the King Baudouin Foundation  https://www.kbs-frb.be/en/) and the Brussels region (COCOF)  https://phare.irisnet.be/


The final approval was given  in mid-February 2020. Mr. Vervoort, the Minister-President, had agreed to attend the laying of the first stone on 29 April, but we had to cancel this event because of the pandemic.

The Piloux building site was completed at the end of September.The photo shows the finished building on the outside and the surroundings are also finished. So is the inside .


The opening of the nursery took place on December 15, 2021 with the arrival of the staff. The children will arrive on January 2nd


The creche is located in Neder-Over-Heembeek on land that has been acquired for a very low price.

Location and contact

Les Piloux asbl (Les Pilifs)

212, rue François Vekemans

1120 Bruxelles

Email : cpa@maisondespilifs.be

Telephone : +322/268.62.23

Website : http://www.villapilifs.be/

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